Sunday, June 14, 2009

Aiyden's first haircut

Aiyden had his first haircut today!  It had gotten to the point where it was taking 20 minutes to comb in the bath and leaves and food were being stored in his hair! So Riv got the clippers out and started cutting.  He looks so grown up now!

Being a good boy and letting daddy cut...

Right afterwards..

had a bath and looking good...

my serious face...

smiling for the camera...

jasper gets a sniff in...

1 comment:

  1. Holy moly! He's looking less like a baby and more like a little kid!

    The pic of him bending over so Riv can trim his hair is tooooo cute! Reminds me of how Dale does it when I clipper his hair. ;)

    Love - aunt c2m
